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  • Writer's pictureReuben Johnson

5 Common Bad Driving Habits and How to Break Them

Updated: Apr 19

A wrecked car on fire

Hey there, speed demons and road warriors! If you're anything like me, you love the thrill of the asphalt under your wheels and the wind in your hair. But let's face it, even the most seasoned drivers can fall prey to some bad habits that can turn a smooth ride into a bumpy road. Here are the 5 most common bad driving habits and how you can fix them!

Lead-Foot Syndrome

Ah, the temptation to channel your inner race car driver and put the pedal to the metal. We've all been there, flying down the highway like we're auditioning for a Fast and Furious sequel. But here's the truth – speeding not only puts you and others at risk but also guzzles fuel faster than a thirsty camel in the desert.

The Fix: Embrace the art of zen driving. Take a deep breath, set your cruise control to a reasonable speed, and enjoy the journey without risking a costly ticket or a fuel tank that's as empty as your wallet.

Texting and Driving

In today's hyper-connected world, it's all too easy to succumb to the siren call of incoming texts, emails, and notifications. But let me tell you, trying to navigate traffic while glued to your phone is a recipe for disaster. Not to mention, it's illegal in most places – talk about a buzzkill!

The Fix: Put the phone down, folks! Invest in a hands-free device or pull over if you absolutely must respond to that urgent message from your boss about TPS reports. Your safety and the safety of others on the road are far more important than any text.

Tailgating Tendencies

We've all encountered that driver – the one who thinks riding your bumper is the key to getting to their destination faster. Spoiler alert: It's not. Tailgating not only increases the risk of accidents but also ramps up your stress levels faster than a caffeine overdose.

The Fix: Give yourself some breathing room, both figuratively and literally. Maintain a safe following distance, and remember that arriving a few minutes later is better than not arriving at all due to a rear-end collision.

Ignoring Maintenance Milestones

Your vehicle is like a finely tuned machine, but even the best machines need regular TLC. Ignoring maintenance milestones like oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections is a surefire way to turn your smooth ride into a clunky catastrophe.

The Fix: Be proactive, not reactive! Follow your vehicle's maintenance schedule like it's the holy grail of car care. Trust me, your wallet will thank you when you're not shelling out big bucks for avoidable repairs down the road.

Road Rage Rampage

We've all had those moments of frustration behind the wheel – whether it's dealing with a slowpoke in the fast lane or getting cut off by an aggressive driver. But turning into a road rage monster only escalates the situation and puts everyone at risk.

The Fix: Keep calm and drive on! Take deep breaths, practice patience, and remember that we're all in this crazy traffic jam called life together. Crank up your favourite tunes, focus on the road ahead, and leave the road rage drama for the Hollywood movies.

So there you have it, fellow drivers! Breaking bad driving habits is all about awareness, mindfulness, and a dash of self-control. So rev your engines, hit the road with confidence, and show those bad habits who's boss!

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